50 years ago today humanity stepped foot on the moon.
It captured the imagination and proved the impossible is possible.
50 years before 1969 we were just learning how to fly.
Taming the mechanical beasts.
We all know the drive was military superiority.
The industrial complex hyped by the Cold War.
Quite sad to think that blood lust was behind many historical accomplishments.
I think about the years of complex work NASA made to get it right.
The cold calculated minds guided by luck and determination.
So many things had to be right.
The unknowns outweighed the known.
Floating to the farthest plains of existence.
Staring into the abyss of the dark, cold and expansive space.
These men evolved into heroes.
Gods to some and fakes to others.
To me they became beyond human.
They made their mark but it took a toll.
Some turned to drink and others to isolation as the thought of what they witnessed was too much to comprehend.
It is something to marvel.
Something to be warned.
But most importantly I think what will be next.
Mark M.
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